
Trying Out FriendFeed Seriously

Just a quick note that, although I have had a FriendFeed account for a while, I finally decided to get a bit serious regarding using it. I am using the wereveal user name, no surprise. Since it is both a micro-blog and an aggregator of other feeds it really does have some benefits over services like Twitter.

I have started following some of the same people that I normally followed on Twitter and Pownce. Since it aggregates what they say on those feeds plus any other feeds etc that they share through FriendFeed, I can just watch FriendFeed and see what they say on the others. I don’t even have to follow them on Twitter and the others to see what they say now if that is what I would want.

The commenting capabilities of FriendFeed is nice too. It has a nice community feel that way. It was one of the reasons I really like Pownce. I still feel that Pownce has the best potential for business use of a Twitter-like app with its events, links, etc capabilities.

I also added several additional services to my FriendFeed such as GoogleReader, which I am starting to use more, I just now need to “share” more to get it fed into FriendFeed. What I find interesting about this is I can get a good aggregation of what I have been saying on the net.

Anyway, just as I was really loosing interest in Twitter again, I start looking at FriendFeed and may have discovered a new addiction. Now if someone could come up with a really really nice AIR app for FriendFeed. Playing with both feedalizr and Alert Thingy. I think right now Alert Thingy is the one I am leaning toward but we shall see. Maybe it is AIR that I really am struggling with, not sure.

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