
Chasing time: Intro

Ok, I have no idea why this wasn’t published when it was suppose to but I was looking through my unpublished posts and saw this, I am aghast. Worse, I have noticed that at least one other post is missing for the first week of November I believe. This post was suppose to come as the first post of the Chasing Time series. Alas, it comes last. Here it is as it was intended to be published mid October with some additional comments at the end:

I guess I have jumped the gun with this sermon series as I have already determined to reign in my time, to manage it better as you may have read last week. Now I have a different problem from many in that I am not dominated by trying to get too many things done in too little time. I have a bit too much “free time” which I waste away instead of really focusing on the important – that is what God would have me do with that free time. But first the sermon notes.

Life almost seems like time is passing faster an faster. We are not getting stuff done that we wish we had done. We are chasing time instead of managing time.

We chase things that don’t matter and things that we wish we could have done and we did not. There are no time machines. Our past is now history. We can learn from our past, it does not have to control us, but it can help us not make the same mistakes. God can take our past and shape us to the betterment.

So the question is: are we making the same mistakes? What would our future look like if we don’t learn from our past? Darth Vader, “You were right” a life full of regrets.

If we mange time:

  • Life becomes easier
  • We are doing what matters
  • When we slow down to do what we know matters, we get more done.
  • Get God’s applause.
  • We feel the most satisfaction when we have worked the hardest.
  • Finish well, because we have taken control of our time.

The sermon series is going to focus on managing our time better. As such, even our services are going to change to make time for the more important. Announcements are dropped and we are encouraged to greet each other and grab coffee before the service starts.

Will we commit to managing our time?
Commit ourselves to God. It is his principles and his Spirit to help us.

Psalms 37:4. God is not a genie in a bottle. When we persue God He will transform our desires into His.

Well, I am excited about this series as it will continually challenge me to not waste my time by chasing after non-kingdom issues. That isn’t to say we shouldn’t spend time in leisure but rather, it shouldn’t be our passion. Neither should work for work’s sake. Rather, all that we do should be done that God be given the glory.

I intend to follow through with my post last week with regards to my time management, maybe with some minor changes. I am trying to listen to God as to what He would have me do.  My priorities have to be God, Family, Friends, and finally any work I may get for web development and computer consulting. As such, my time allocations as mentioned last week should be tweeked. We shall see.


Ok, here I am over a month later and I have somewhat failed horribly in my time management. In part this has been due to my health being rather poor, causing me to sleep very little and walking around in a daze the rest of the time. Pray that God will restore my health to allow me to do as He would have me do.

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